Feed Me.

My husband had a cocker spaniel who would come running every time he entered the front door. Why? Because Lady knew he would have treats for her in his coat pocket. He earned her devotion with Milk Bones!


“Give us this day our daily bread.” – Matthew 6:11

Where do you get the nourishment for your soul? It may be from another’s approval, mind-numbing habits, enjoyment of creation, art, or music, or new accomplishments. These may not be bad things in themselves, but are they meeting your deepest hungers? Probably not.

Maybe more importantly, we must realize that the source of our nourishment will have control over us.

While the people of Israel were totally dependent on God for manna, staying close to Him was fairly easy. But He warned that the danger would come when they entered the land, grew their own wheat, and made their own bread. Self-sufficiency breeds independence. I dare say that if Lady had her own Milk Bone supply, she would have been less attentive when the door opened!

If we see God as the only One who can satisfy our souls’ true hunger, we will never want to give up control to another’s approval or our own attempts at satisfaction. Instead, when we find that God’s Spirit ministers to our spirits, our souls are nourished and at rest.  Maybe that’s why He wants us to ask for our bread every day – so we remember that only He can fill our deepest hunger.

I hunger and I thirst;
Jesus, my manna be;
Ye living waters, burst
Out of the rock for me.

Thou bruised and broken Bread,
My lifelong wants supply;
As living souls are fed,
O feed me, or I die.*

*John S. B. Monsell, 1866